How does LIIFT help?
Information about the LIIFT Process
The subconscious mind governs all of our bodily functions without us even knowing. Most of us know this from studying high school science, but what we were not taught in high school is that our subconscious is also, every second of every day, interacting with the world around us and like a computer, it is creating programs based on input from numerous sources like these:
Our life-experience from in-the-womb through about 10 years old
These experiences distill into beliefs and expectations about what will happen to us and how we will respond. They become our "Life Scripts". These "Life Scripts" greatly effect our life experiences.
Rules taught to us by parents and other authority figures
These "shoulds" and "oughts" help us make sense of the world when we are young. You can witness this when children talk: “I won't do the dishes,”says little Johnnie, “that"s for girls to do.” When we are older, these teachings serve as guides or filters. But our subconscious is supposed to filter out those teachings which are not valid to assist an adult making his/her way through the world. Problems come when incorrect/inappropriate teachings override the analytical wisdom of the subconscious.
There are two aspects about how trauma affects us. If the trauma is experienced before age 10 then the experience helps write the "Life Script". However, a trauma experience, if not dealt with promptly to achieve release and healing, locks its effects into the body and psyche irrespective of when the trauma occurs in a person's life. Until the person finds a way to release the locked-in trauma, his/her life will always be distorted by the "memory".
Developmental Messages
As we grow there are certain nurturing messages we need to receive from our parents or other elders/authority figures. These messages help us structure who we are and our relationship to life and the world as a whole. People who never received these foundational messages often find themselves struggling to make their way in a non-comprehensible world. Two types of developmental messages exist. Nurturing structures are typically affirmation messages such as "You belong here." or "Your Needs are important to me." Injunctions are demands that you behave in a certain way. "Don't feel!" or "Don't succeed!" or "Don't cry or I'll give you something to cry about" are examples.
Carry-over damage from experiences of ancestral generations
It appears that current-life issues and traumatic damage often come from what happened to one or more previous generations, or the belief patterns of one or more previous generations. There is more and more evidence about imprinted genes beginning carried over from one generation to the next. Long before modern science, ancient peoples likely understood this as indicated by 32 references in Holy Bible about the sins of the father being visited upon the sons.
Carry-over damage from experiences of past lives in which one's soul resided
As with blood-line issues, it appears that both traumas and beliefs are carried forward from one soul life to the next.
Thanks to the work of David Hawkins author of Power vs. Force we know that the subconscious is connected to some form of universal truth. Thus a client's subconscious knows what true emotional health and happiness is, irrespective of the experiences of the person and body in which it is operating. It also knows what needs to be done, and in what order, for the person to achieve true emotional health and happiness. We can ask its guidance using Mind-Body Communication. And we offer the subconscious a variety of healing tools so it can choose the most efficient one for that particular healing.
So, how does LIIFT get to the truth?
According to Professor Bruce Morgan the conscious brain processes 2,000 bits of information a second while the subconscious processes 2 MILLION bits of information a second. It was in those 2 million bits of information a second that we processed as children from before birth to age 10 that helped us create the Subconscious Operating Systems we have developed for ourselves. For some of us, parts of that information led to high functioning ability in some areas and perhaps low or dysfunctional ability in other areas. It's where we picked up trauma of certain situations and stored the memories deep in our brains and cells of our bodies. It's where we picked up the anxieties and frustrations of our parents and made them our own without ever being aware of it.
It is that same incomprehensibly fast processing that guides the healing as we work through the LIIFT System. When a practitioner asks your subconscious mind what the priority area is it will respond through the Mind Body Communication system of kinesiology, also known as muscle testing. Your body will tell its truth and the practitioner will know which of the Seven Healing Zones to use, which page in that section, and which Life Script is now operating that needs to be overwritten and healed. After choosing one of many healing poses (also determined through Mind Body Communication) such as a self hug, or crossed arms and legs, or a head tap then typically within minutes the client can change a subconscious belief such as "I am not lovable" to a subconscious and possibly conscious belief that "I AM lovable", (although it may take longer for the conscious mind to catch up with the subconscious.) Sometimes a stubborn belief may take an additional healing but usually the re-written software is installed immediately and the old negative emotional pattern is just LIIFTed away!
How does LIIFT quickly help troubled children and teens?
LIIFT uses the same 7 Healing Zones for troubled young people that it does for adults. Typically, though, the young person heals much more quickly than adults do. Some young people show a complete turn-around in their lives after just one or two sessions. I have concluded that children and teens heal much more quickly than adults because they have many fewer layers of damage and years of damage needing healed.
I have worked with two types of troubled young people. The first type is the child (or teen) who may or may not be aware that anything is wrong but likely is unwilling to see someone for help. For that young person, LIIFT uses a "stand-in" to effect the healing. Usually the life change is accomplished without the young person ever knowing.
The second type is an obstructive young person usually being forced into trying to heal their emotional challenges. They are resistant. Since LIIFT has a logical process in which they are an active participant, such young clients often feel ownership of what is transpiring. They understand that they themselves are making the healing. And they are walking with the LIIFT practitioner as equals, rather than finding themselves in the usual One-Up/One-Down situation common to psychotherapies.
How does LIIFT quickly help after-trauma residual distress?
Many people understand that after-trauma residual distress is a common form of emotional damage suffered by those who have been in the military. Fewer people realize that after-trauma residual distress is also a common form of suffering associated with male and female survivors of verbal and physical abuse.
In the LIIFT healing process, a client with after-trauma residual distress is guided to quickly release the pent-up damage without having to re-live or even remember what happened. One client recently told me, "I still know I was abused. But now I can think about it and there is no upset or pain. It's just a distant part of my past."
As releases happen, LIIFT also guides the client to identify and replace damaged programming in the client's Internal Operating Software. As clients install new Belief Statements which support attaining a happier, more stress-free life their life quickly changes for the better.
How quickly can a LIIFT client with after-trauma residual distress feel better? Often there is a major shift toward happiness after one session. Complete healing is usually measured in months rather than years.
How does LIIFT quickly heal damage from abuse & trauma?
In ideal circumstances we come into this world feeling loved, safe and OK. And it is to be hoped that our childhood experiences confirm this and teach us that the world will treat us in an OK way too. Unfortunately sometimes just one abusive episode can permanently derail a person's travel toward a lifetime of happiness and fulfillment. LIIFT helps an abused and/or traumatized person quickly heal in two areas.
In the LIIFT healing process, clients having abuse or trauma in their background will be guided to quickly release the burden of fear, anger, grief and trauma. Each release occurs in less than five minutes. Even more important, the client need not re-live or talk about what happened. LIIFT just heals the pain and emotional baggage. One client who had years of abuse told me, "I don’t know how LIIFT does it, but I'm feeling happy!"
LIIFT also works with the client to identify and replace damaged programming in their Internal Operating Software. As the client installs the new Belief Statements which are supportive of a happier, more OK, more contented life, the client's life does indeed change for the better. Imagine the change in life experience when you replace "I expect the worst to happen and it does," with "I expect the best to happen and it does."
How quickly can a LIIFT client with an abusive/traumatic background heal? Often there is a major shift towards happiness after one session. Complete healing is usually measured in months rather than years.
How does LIIFT quickly heal those who feel depressed?
According to LIIFT, our life experiences from pre-birth on determine our outlook on life and our overall emotional state, including feeling depressed. Some more obvious causes of feeling depressed include grief, stress, loss, and the residual effects of abuse. Feeling depressed can be caused by happy events, too, such as a move, new job, or the birth of a child. LIIFT uses a client's subconscious knowledge of self to determine the most effective sequence of healing for fastest release of feeling depressed.
Often the client needs to release episodes of fear, anger, grief, stress and trauma as part of the healing. Each release occurs in less than five minutes. Even more important, the client can be aware of any damage while keeping it at a safe distance, and sharing with the LIIFT practitioner is optional. LIIFT can simply heal the pain and remove the emotional baggage without any strong discomfort.
Sometimes during the release of this emotional baggage it becomes clear that the damage does not belong directly to the client. Rather the client is carrying damage which was passed down from ancestors. In such instances, LIIFT heals the client by healing this damage.
Often the subconscious also identifies damaged programming in the client's Internal Operating Software. This Belief Statement would be a good example: "I am undeserving to be happy," which would be replaced by a statement like "I deserve to be happy, I am happy and I enjoy being happy." As the client installs new Belief Statements which are supportive of a happier, more OK, more contented life, the client's life changes for the better and feeling depressed becomes only a memory.